Have you ever engaged a conversation that felt nourishing to the degree that you no longer felt hungry or tired, or placed so deep into the present moment that you could sense something “happening” within your spirit? Or perhaps an elevated excitement, or anticipation of something great on the verge of occurring? There can be many ways to describe this experience; they all provide direct evidence of how an uplifting conversation enhances well-being.  

I’ve had experiences where conversations went so deep into topics that my energy raised to a higher frequency; I’ve personally lost hunger and felt like I did “eat.” I was nourished not by material food, but the true food of the gods: knowledge and wisdom. A conversation, although not “tasty” in the physical sense of the word, can be “delicious,” just like the “fruit” that the early beings ate from the Tree of Knowledge.

Conversation Essence

Conversation is an idea exchange where information transfers to all participants. At its fundamental, this is pure information exchange, with the quality of that information elevating based on what’s being shared. The information affects and influences our thinking and consequently how we express in the world. 

Break down the word and we have “Co” implying “with,” and “verse” implying a word string –> tone –> sound –> vibration. 

A conversation then is a vibrational energy exchange

And with any vibration come frequencies, and these frequencies consistently experienced puts us in a specific state or thought plane. 

Enlightening discourse raises the frequency among the people involved because the language shapes reality; as the conversation continues to go deeper, more in-depth, uncovering layers of understanding and the people vibe on the same level, a resonance develops that bathes everyone in the energy, strengthening a shared reality. 

At this science’s height, the right conversation with the right person at the right time can transform a person’s reality for better or worse. 

This is the metaphysics behind the idea that “we are the average of the five people we connect with most.” We tend to absorb the thoughtforms and expressions of the people we converse mostly with. 

Memes, emotional content, symbols, words:  these ideas are similar to how mind viruses are spread in the sense of toxic or destructive thought forms. 

Children & Influential Conversation

We can think about children. 

Parents may work hard to teach certain lessons at home. 

When the child goes to school, she may return home with language and concepts the parents never showed them. The parents wonder where they learned profanity or some vulgar behavior never displayed in home life. 

Being in the school environment for hours every day with other kids creates an open channel for this kind of thought transference. 

With this in mind, it becomes critical for family environments to have educational technologies and embodied examples that support children’s self-cultivation, so their values remain unshaken among others who do not share them.

When strong enough, children can enter an environment and maintain their sense of integrity, fortified through cultivation to know what to absorb from others and what to set aside.

Thought transference is not necessarily a negative; if the parents or relatives haven’t been the best examples, children can grow beyond them by this kind of exposure, learning new ideas that otherwise would’ve been withheld or suppressed at home. 

Entering a new school that may be farther out from the child’s normal community can quickly expand their horizons, teaching them what is possible as they increase exposure to new environments and ways. 

Conversation Awareness Prompts

Some questions to consider when having a dialogue with others:

  1. Am I introducing thought-provoking ideas to the discussion?
  2. Am I only complaining, whining, hurling my woes onto others in the discussion?
  3. Am I projecting my own biases onto others during the discussion?
  4. What am I learning from this person or people?
  5. How can I be of assistance in this conversation?
  6. What value am I bringing to the table?

The point is not to have to prep to engage a conversation robotically contemplating these questions.

Over time, they integrate by making them part of your value system. With time and understanding of conversation’s science, you grow general self-awareness and know how to apply the etiquette this way as second nature. 

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