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Leadership Files #1 - Energy - CrownOfMind.Com

Link to Original Article: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/leadership-files-1-intro-energy-trent-rhodes   

“That which isn’t good for the hive, isn’t good for the bee.” – Marcus Aurelius

Can everyone become a leader? Exploring the Leadership Files and time invested to reminisce on the signs, readers will discover the answer is Yes.

Will everyone become a leader? That’s left open-ended, up to the individual to make a conscious choice to awaken and express the energy symbolizing leadership. 

There are thousands of sources to learn from regarding leadership. No disputes with them. This article series is distinguished from them by its focus on leadership as an energy state and not a title. 

Whereas a title or rank is bestowed upon one by another conveying collective recognition, the energy inherent in leadership emerges from the inside out, an act of co-creation between oneself and one’s ideal. 

As energy cannot be created or destroyed but transformed, leadership is universal, observed in other species from the bird to the bee to the lion. 

While modern aspirants may choose to study Gary V, Elon Musk or Warren Buffet for exquisite leadership knowledge, I invested time since high school absorbing the timeless wisdom of the ancients: Imhotep and the Pharaohs, Sun Tzu, The Yellow Emperor, Hannibal, Marcus Aurelius, etc. 

From there I added my own polymathic texture to perceive leadership and experiences in the energy from almost 30 years martial arts training and work life. I think Gary V is cool as are some of the others, but I found traversing the centuries for insight and learning how to convert it into contemporary times to be more fruitful. 

Today’s leadership content creation leans more on the trendy side, good for now but unable to withstand time’s tests. Also strongly linked to singular cases for application. 

To reach a principle’s core and see it operational no matter where you are or what you encounter….now you can take that to any situation and apply appropriately. 

Also different from Career Mind which has its focus on professional life, I’m going to challenge readers to merge their brain hemispheres (left and right) in this series. 

To understand and integrate leadership a healthy unification of the two is necessary, so you can smoothly travel from the intuitive to the logical, seeing details and patterns, the immaterial and material, acknowledging emotions while acting with clarity. To know oneself and by extension to know others, since leadership is about being a focuser for some vision that has a destination. Before even thinking about leading others one needs to be proficient leading oneself.

When we look at the state of things today, part of it can be boiled down to megalomaniacs put into power positions with sub-par leadership. Returning to the focuser principle, when the leader is dysfunctional, the rest of the organization becomes so unless new leaders emerge to reverse the path. 

Chaotic leaders only spread chaos throughout their responsibilities. 

My sense is the approach in the Leadership Files will differ from what you’ve read and can serve as an addition to your current literature. 

Some core ideas we’ll discuss:

Energy & Self

A thorough understanding of self sets the foundation for being able to deploy leadership externally. Internally there’s an entire universe (thoughts, ideas, emotions, feelings, tendencies, goals, drives). They should be understood and “led” by our will. Biologically this is sourced at the executive function or prefrontal cortex / lobe. Some thought leaders like “Grit” author Angela Duckworth sum this up as self-control.

Energy & Rank

Leadership and rank differ although one can have both. Rank confers authority in the hierarchy while leadership is the energy state. With a rank, people are compelled to follow through the accepted authority while the leader may earn the trust to follow without the rank. The ideal combination is a person who receives the rank of authority and also has leadership.

Energy & Signs (of potential)

There are signs of leadership potential, signals that show up early in life. Children can display the qualities. Adults can be late bloomers. Knowing what they are, one can self-reflect to discover if they’ve been exhibiting or could further develop. This series will explore ways to develop them.

Energy & Vibes

As a student of leadership, when coming across a genuine leader there’s an opportunity to learn if humble enough. We’ll examine how to engage such people to increase knowledge.

Energy & Nunchi

Nunchi is the Korean art of how to read the room and understand social nuances to increase harmonious results. Essential for leadership.

Energy & EQ

EQ is Nunchi’s cousin, focused more on empathy and being able to see as another. Leaders low in this ability end up making decisions that are out of touch with the group. As a leader who simply governs oneself, social relationships take a hit with misaligned communication. 

Energy & Learning Examples

A student of leadership ought to have a healthy repository of case studies, archetypes whether fictional or in the physical of leaders they can recall or consider for study. How they handled parallel situations, their mistakes, histories offering future paths. 

Energy & Ego

Ego temperance, a necessity for a leader responsible for decisions that affect other people. Necessity for receiving feedback and handling criticism without impulsivity. 

Energy & Raison d’etre

The leader’s vision is solidified once a reason for being (purpose) is recognized and committed to. This reason fuels the zeal energizing all of the leader’s abilities to realize the chosen destination. With a strong reason oncoming difficulties become endurable. Personality changes into one that can grow from resistance against the destination.

Energy & Stewardship 

Different from the glory of being the boss, leadership energy accepts a stewardship mantle, a responsibility for tending to the metaphorical ship and all of its parts and people for the destination. 

Energy & Health

Considering all of what a leader is responsible for, it makes sense there should be an emphasis on building up health, spiritually and physically. Brimming, vibrant health in all its facets to be able to both handle the demands on one’s attention and the ability to thrive from them.

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