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Procrastination's Enemy - CrownOfMind.Com

Desire. If the desire isn’t strong enough there won’t be enough energy to prompt action. 

Desire is like rocket fuel; electricity necessary to generate activity. A goal might seem like it’s important but through further self-reflection, it might turn out that a professional simply doesn’t want the outcome strongly enough. If this is recognized, practical steps can be taken to increase desire. 

Procrastination Question: Is it a nice-to-have or must you have it? 

The difference between the two is like drinking from a water glass casually compared to dying of thirst. 

Or opening your window to take in some fresh air versus holding your breath and feeling the compulsion to fight to breathe. 

One is a mere enjoyment, a pleasantry that’s just fine to lose while the other is, “It’s going to happen and there are no other options. No complaints, no whining. My 1000% commitment.” 

If we examine our experiences, we’ll realize the pattern: those things and experiences we truly, deeply desired and allowed for no barriers to stand in our way we actually received. Isn’t it true?

Behaviors show the difference between the nice-to-have and a must. Not that everyone has to create mega projects outside of hours but there usually is some additional investment in learning when the desire is beyond just, “I’d like to have this.” Becoming a true student of the industry.

Whatever a person is aiming to become good at it the drive has to go beyond the easiest route, the hack or quick fix. 

Some experiences are meant to be hard because that’s what extracts the best substance out from a person: maturity.

While other people might be playing around with time focusing solely on what’s wrong, you can be up studying your craft, finding ways to improve, asking yourself the tough questions. 

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