Welcome to Bold Mastery. This blog is disruptive. Meaning, this blog is no-nonsense and meant to shake up the way you used to think about education. It’s designed to make you feel uncomfortable if you’ve never thought this way before and, if you’re comfortable, it’s meant to motivate you to stay on the path.

When people usually think of education, the old cliche descriptions come to mind:







Collectively, it speaks “boring.”

It’s boring for a number of reasons. Ultimately, you’re not passionate about it. And you’re not passionate about it because you don’t see the value in it. And you don’t see the value in it because you don’t see how it brings positive results in life.

Think about it. If obtaining a high education was given the same spotlight as the next R&B heavyweight, with all of the material trappings and cool marketing and interviews, more people would become attracted to the image that being educated brings.

It’s for this reason w

People can take away your material possessions. Your money can be stolen. You can divorce 50 times. But so long as you protect and grow it, you will always have the power to recreate by the use of your wits, wisdom, raw intelligence and drive. And the primary way you make these capacities razor sharp is by a disciplined self-education system.

Self-directed learning will require you to take your growth into your own hands, accept responsibility for where you stand and who you intend to become. It’s not wishful thinking, but a specific self-education plan to help you reach defined goals.

This blog will provide insight, techniques and resources to help you.

Are you ready?

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