Working in teams can be a challenging and fulfilling experience. Ultimately you want to see your project successfully complete. At times this poses a conflict: are you willing to compromise on your ideas, give in to others’ or stand up for your contributions? Whether in a team of two or twenty-two people, there exists the potential for groupthink to manifest. Groupthink is the “tendency of the members of a group to yield to the desire for consensus or unanimity at the cost of considering alternative courses of action” (Business Dictionary, 2012). When groupthink is present, individual members do not share their best ideas; they tend to supplicate their creativity to a dominant person or idea in the group. Members shut off their reasoning, critical thinking and imagination. The team prefers to just get the project done, at any cost, rather than produce high quality. One looks to the other for confirmation, often a leadership figure in the group. Teams benefit from leadership but not at the cost of reducing members to “yes people.”

To avoid groupthink:

  1. Learn how to facilitate rather than dictate: Some teams may have several “leaders” depending upon the skills involved in the project. One may be a superior planner while another is best at creating a particular design. Tap into the talents of all project members. Be open to listening to others’ feedback and search for ways different member contributions can support the goal.
  1. Invite the silent: You may have different temperaments in the group. Some are more assertive and outspoken while others prefer to think and observe. The introverts may have rich information to share with the group from their ability to see the whole picture. Invite them to contribute when you sense they have something to share.
  1. Develop the brainstorming skill: The purpose of brainstorming is to generate as many ideas as you can without editing, reducing or judging them. Hold frequent brainstorming sessions with your project team. This can become practice for accepting initial ideas and contributions without criticism or turning someone’s thoughts away. The team will be more likely to share in an open, creative environment.
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[…] resources with near-singular focus; it’s a positive pendulum swing of what we tend to call group think. In this version, the group is thinking about the same positive end: to produce highly educated, […]

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